2016 VHS Email Identification Results

During 2016 the Virginia Herpetological Society's Email Identification Team, identified
many native amphibians and reptiles. Below is a breakdown of these identifications.

Move the mouse pointer over pie chart slices for additional information.

Snakes Lizards Turtles Frogs Salamanders All Herps

Frogs and Toads

Virginia is home to 28 species of frogs and toads.


We have a large diversity of salamanders consisting of 59 different species and subspecies.


Virginia is home to 9 native lizard species and three introduced species, the Mediterranean Gecko, Italian Wall Lizard, and Green Anole.


The Commonwealth is home to 34 species and subspecies of snake. Only 3 species are venomous.


Virginia has 25 species and subspecies of turtle. Five of these species are sea turtle.

Box Turtle Reporting

Frog Call Quiz

Spadefoot Reporting

Amazon Smile

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